Friday, April 24, 2009

Freaky Fashion Friday!

I'm super jazzed about this weeks Freaky Fashion Friday. I got to interview the kick ass babe behind Zombie Kitten Originals. Ladies and Gents let me tell you a little secret I LUV pencil skirts! There is just something innocently naughty about a skirt that is modest (hey it does go all the way down to your knees) but at the same time insanely seductive and sexy (its curve hugging and tight).

So now that I have gushed over pencil skirts in general lets get to the freakiest of them all!

I would like to introduce you to Shelly. The brains and beauty behind Zombie Kitten Originals.

Not only does Shelly have mad skirt making skilz, is cute as a button, but i have a feeling she could kick ass in a bar fight if she had to.

Oh ya and she also sits on Alligators...

Zombie Kitten Original skirts go up to a L or XL and range in color and theme from creepy eye balls

to flying saucers.

Her skirts also have a raw twist with the heavy duty zipper in back.

All made to fit like a super sexy glove.

She also has Starfire, Spider Web, Ghost, Blast Off, Bat Attack, Bowl-A-Rama, Coffin, and Atom-o-Matic skirts.

I can not promise you will look like her crazy sexy models, I think anyone lucky enough to have a Zombie Kitten Original pencil skirt will fantastic and feel even better.

Now on to our interview!!

You have an education in art, sculpture to be specific. How has that influenced your designs if at all?
I think my sculpture background influenced me strongly…I don’t approach clothing with a fashion mind at all; heck I don’t even follow fashion. I approach clothes in an art sense with the attitude of “drawing” fabric or walking pieces of sculpture. I also believe I approach with somewhat more of a social time period references in contrast to just thinking: “wow, putting cherries/skull/whatever on this will be cool”

B movies seem to be a theme for you. If you could be one character form a B movie who would it be and why?

I would want to be one of the alien robots in the movie “Target Earth”-- 1954. Because I would bet to shoot death-rays out my “eyes” and be almost indestructible.

You have said that your mom taught you how to sew. When did you start sewing and what was your first real sewing project?

My mom first put me on a sewing machine when I was in the 3rd grade.
I wanted a particular dress that was in fashion at the time, and coming from a blue-collar family, financially we wera always a little tight. So my mom and me went to the fabric store got a pattern, and some fabric. My mom instructed me step by step how to lay out the pattern for the dress. When it came time to sew the dress, she let me sew a few of the seams.
Then that was it for my interest in sewing until my early 20’s. I wanted to make some plaid mini skirts. I absorb so much more information in those mini skirt sewing lessons, that the first sew adventure! So I would have to say the mini skirts were my first real sewing project.

You have a web page and an etsy shop. Are you a big small business/handmade supporter? What are some of your favorite etsy shops?

OH YES….I am BIG supporter of handmade/small businesses. I think that is were the REAL cutting edge ideas are happening.
Wow this is a hard one; there are so many wonderful artists on etsy.
Ok. Um, yeah….. I better stop there, my list could quickly become be very endless book.

If you could only tell one joke for the rest of your life, what would it be?

The only joke that is burned into my head—it’s a dirty joke!
Q: What did the banana say to the vibrator?
A: What are you shaking about; she is going to eat me first.

You have a good bit of ink, and used to work in a tattoo shop. Has that come through in your designs?

I believe what has transferred over from my days of working in a tattoo shop, to my designs is the big simple, easy to read shapes, that a viewer can make out what the design is from a distance.

What’s playing on your radio/iPod?

I like to daydream about one day owning an iPod. ;)
Right now I can’t stop listening to Black Raven, Lou Cifer And The Hellions and Whip Crackin’ Daddies

When you have time to de-stress/have fun what do you do?

For fun driving my unrestored 1963 Ford Thunderbird (that is mainly white, with a little black and some rust in color!) around, Eating any of these food objects: Philly cheesesteak with wiz and onions, cheese fries with bacon, BLT, grilled cheese…. basically any thing with tons of cheese on it, seems to be very de-stressing.


Shelly is super nice and friendly and was a great pick for Freaky Fashion Friday!
Now i wonder who i have to kill to get a free skirt......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr.Waters!

April 22nd, 1946 in Baltimore, Maryland a little boy was born. His name was John Samuel Waters, Jr. and the world was never the same again.

A cult icon Mr.Waters gave us movie favorites Hairspray, Cry Baby, Pecker, Woman Troubles, Pink Flamingo and Serial Mom. While not always a huge commercial success his movies have inspired a huge and dedicated cult flowing all over the world.

Check out his newest project at the
Gagosian Gallery .

You can also see pictures of his art here at SuperTouch

Music and Lyrics Wedensday

I would love to say that I "get it". But the video for "Wrong" by Depeche Mode goes right over my head. Putting that aside, I do love the new single from "Sounds Of The Universe" Depeche Mode has alwasye been one of my favorite original New Wave British bands. There ability to stay current and valid through 29 years is proof that all is not lost to the world of top 40 pop hits.

Depeche Mode
Sounds Of The Universe

I was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
I took the wrong road
That led to the wrong tendencies
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day of the wrong week
I used the wrong method with the wrong technique



There's something wrong with me chemically
Something wrong with me inherently
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
The wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong eyes on the wrong prize
The wrong questions with the wrong replies



I was marching to the wrong drum
With the wrong scum
Pissing out the wrong energy
Using all the wrong lines
And the wrong signs
With the wrong intensity
I was on the wrong page of the wrong book
With the wrong rendition of the wrong hook
Made the wrong move, every wrong night
With the wrong tune played till it sounded right yeah


(Too long)
(Too long)

I was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
I took the wrong road
That led to the wrong tendencies
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day of the wrong week
I used the wrong method with the wrong technique


Friday, April 17, 2009

Freaky Fashion Friday!

Thank the gods of sexy boots its FRIDAY! So to celebrate this most great occasion I will be posting a few of my fave Freaky Fashions.

Now because I am the way I am all the fab stuff i will be posting will be Indie creations from small business and etsy type shops. Not that big time mass production company cant put out some pretty kick ass stuff. But odds are they got there big idea from someone elses small one. Pluss i gotta support my hand made community.

For my first Freaky Fashion Friday we will be taking a look though SHOES ~** YAY**~!
Yes i have an unhealthy love for shoes. I can't help it, it's in all that girl DNA i think.


So here are some high heals that you might see sitting pretty on a shelf in my house. I don't know that i could buy these and wear them around. Maybe put them on with a super sexy psychobilly dress and take pictures. But i just cant see myself putting them on to go to a club or concert. They are to full of awesome to be functional. I think I'm in love with Mr.Mano!



Have you ever had a longing for a pair of bright yellow heals decorated with suction cups? You too huh, well i knew there was a reason you where reading my blog. So what can i say about these shoes that they don't already say for themselves? Nothing really, they pretty much scream "Wear me with a black leather corset dress!". I would so feel like a super hero in these shoes, I'm not really sure why but i would.

Remember to check out the links for other great items at !

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Music and Lyrics Wedensday

WOW look how fast I'm posting again got whiplash yet?

So as its "hump day" I though it would be a great day to share my new favorite song and lyrics.* I will try to remember to do this every Wednesday. Could be a new song i just discovered or could be a old favorite you never know.

Whenever i find a new song i really like i have to find the words and commit them to memorize. I'm just a freak like that i guess. So in my circle of freaks I'm the lyric girl.

So for your musical enjoyment the first ever Music and Lyrics Wednesday... enjoy...

Major Tom (Coming Home)
Shiny Toy Guns**

Standing there alone,
the ship is waiting.
All systems are go.
"Are you sure?"
Control is not convinced,
but the computer
has the evidence.
No need to abort.
The countdown starts.

Watching in a trance,
the crew is certain.
Nothing left to chance,
all is working.
Trying to relax
up in the capsule
"Send me up a drink."
jokes Major Tom.
The count goes on...

4, 3, 2, 1
Earth below us
drifting, falling.
Floating weightless
calling, calling home...

Second stage is cut.
We're now in orbit.
Stabilizers up,
runnning perfect.
Starting to collect
requested data.
"What will it affect
when all is done?"
thinks Major Tom.

Back at ground control,
there is a problem.
"Go to rockets full."
Not responding.
"Hello Major Tom.
Are you receiving?
Turn the thrusters on.
We're standing by."
There's no reply.

4, 3, 2, 1
Earth below us
drifting, falling.
Floating weightless
calling, calling home...

Across the stratosphere,
a final message:
"Give my wife my love."
Then nothing more.

Far beneath the ship,
the world is mourning.
They don't realize
he's alive.
No one understands,
but Major Tom sees.
"Now the light commands
this is my home,
I'm coming home."

Earth below us
drifting, falling.
Floating weightless
coming home...
Earth below us
drifting, falling.
Floating weightless
coming, coming

*So we can sing along together and bop our heads back and forth, as you do.
** Major Tom originally recorded by Peter Schilling.

Not your average mommy

So here I sit, my brain meats working over time to find the perfect nitch for a new blog. So i say to myself, "Self why not do a blog about all your favorite things?"* So I'm thinking that's a good idea. Everyone has fave things and rather then calling all my friends to tell them about the newest kick ass video, recipe, game or what have you.

So who is the chick behind Sarcasm Not Included you as your self? (or your not asking and I'm gonna tell you anyway cuz I'm the boss!)

I'm a 20 something Stay at Home Mom of 2 in NE Kansas. The Spawn 8 years old is in the 3rd grade and loves writing songs and beading. Other then her love of Jimmy Buffet she has my taste in music. The Hatchling will turn 4 in may and is currently obsessed with play dough and the playschool digital art studio. And he never wears pants. My husband is a restaurant manager and works no less then 12 hours a day. I'm blessed to get to stay home and watch my baby's grow and am thankful every day for this opportunity.

My mother also lives with us after retiring and suffering from OCPD ~ THANK YOU 40 YEARS OF SMOKING~ so i help take care of her daily needs. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs who round out our little family.

I'm a crafting addict and love making things and then forcing them off on friends and family. I'm not sure if they love it as much as i do but then i don't really care either. My favorite crafting is taking something truly wholesome and twisting it into something full of gore or dark hummer. So if you see an
imbroderie of guts or zombies don't be surprised.

I also have tattoos, pink hair, wear a LOT of black, have lots of skull, horror, rockabilly t's and enjoy clashing and tacky fashions. Yes my friends I'm a hot mess and i love it. I also drink far to much Pepsi (i will cut back soon i promise!**) have adult ADD and tend to get a bit spaztastick. So anyways i have a few posts ready and will pop them up today just some new finds and a post on general favorite things and such.

* Yes i talk to myself in real life and in my blogs

** no really i'm gonna cut back........... tomarrow!